by year

by instrument     by genre     by year


SACRED CHORAL WORKS (Opera Omnia) a complete collection of sacred pieces for chorus "a cappella" in 8 volumes (after Tomás Luis de Victoria) | 1260'ca (2000-2024)


FINIS TERRAE for orchestra | 17'ca. [3333-4331-timp+4perc-hp-pno-strings]DES\ORDRE for chamber orchestra | 17'ca. [2222-2200-1-0-strings]


ANEMOI (winds gods) for percussion | 24'ca.EXOTIC GARDENS for hang drum | 12'ca.IJEN for gamelan ensemble | 5'ca.BIHOTZ for txalaparta | 6'ca.IKIGAI for taiko drum ensemble | 8'ca.THE ABYSS for violin and piano | 8'ca.


SOLILOQUI XI for bassoon | 8'ca.SOLILOQUI X for english horn | 12'ca.SOLILOQUI IX for percussion | 6'ca.KALIMBA ETUDES for kalimba | 20'ca.L'ERMITA DE L'EROLA sardana for cobla | 4'30"ca.CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 10) for piano  | 18'ca.


SOLILOQUI VIII for violin | 9'ca.SOLILOQUI XII for contrabassoon | 8'ca.SOLILOQUI XIII for bass clarinet | 12'ca.SOLILOQUI XIV for flute | 10'ca.LABYRINTH for organ and orchestra | 12'ca.MÀGICA NIT for children's violoncello ensemble | 30'ca.CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 9) for piano | 21'ca.


CATALAN FOLK SONGS a total of 823 arrangements of Catalan traditional songs, a collection of 9 songbooks harmonized for SATB "a cappella" | 3200'ca. (2014-2019)CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 8) for piano | 20'ca.VIOLA CONCERTO for viola and orchestra | 15'ca.VIOLIN CONCERTO for violin and orchestra | 15'ca.VIOLONCELLO CONCERTO for violoncello and orchestra | 15'ca.


DIVÁN DEL TAMARIT song cycle for voice and orchestra | 75'ca. [3333-4331-timp+4perc-hp-cel-strings]ODA A POMPEU FABRA sardana for strings | 6'ca. Commissioned: by Ramón Payàs and the "Els Amics de les Homilies d'Organyà".CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 7) for piano | 21'ca.SOLILOQUI XVI for oboe | 8'ca.SOLILOQUI XVIII for piccolo | 9'ca.TROMBONE CONCERTO for trombone and orchestra | 15'ca.TRUMPET CONCERTO for trumpet and orchestra | 15'ca.TUBA CONCERTO for tuba and orchestra | 15'ca.PIANO CONCERTO for piano and orchestra | 15'ca.


SKETCHES for string orchestra | 20'ca.OUROBOROS for orchestra | 15'ca. [3242-4331-timp+1perc-strings] Commissioned: by Carlos Checa and the JOSB (Jove Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona). Premiered: at the Paranimf of the University of Barcelona 05|15|2017.THE MARIAN ANTIPHONS complete collection of 4 pieces for female choir "a cappella" | 30'ca.SALVE REGINA for female choir | 6'ca.REGINA COELI for female choir | 6'ca.AVE REGINA CAELORUM for female choir | 5'ca.ALMA REDEMPTORIS MATER for female choir | 12'ca.MARIMBA CONCERTO for marimba and orchestra | 15'ca.TIMPANI CONCERTO for timpani and orchestra | 15'ca.PERCUSSION CONCERTO for percussion and orchestra | 15'ca.


BREVICULUM for orchestra and mixed choir | 50'ca. Commissioned: by L'Auditori and the OBC (Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona y Nacional de Catalunya) project "Et toca a tu". Premiered: at L'Auditori 10|06|16.EARLY ABSTRACTIONS 7 for percussion | 5'38''ca.CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 6) for piano | 21'ca.HARP CONCERTO for harp and orchestra | 15'ca.


SUITE "HOMILIES" for baritone, recorder, cornett, theorbo, percussion. | 30'ca. EL CAMINANT DAMUNT EL MAR DE BOIRA song for voice and piano | 5'ca. Commissioned: by the Festival de Música de CerveraINITIATION DANCES for harp and marimbaSUD for mixed choir "a cappella" SATB | 5'ca. Commissioned: by the FCEC (Federació d'Entitats Corals de Catalunya) Premiered: at the Palau de la Música Catalana 06|11|2015.CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 5) for piano | 21'ca.GUITAR CONCERTO for guitar and orchestra | 15'ca.


SOLILOQUI XXVI for button accordion | 9'ca.RAMBLA LLIBERTAT Cantata for children's choir, two soloists and 8 intruments | 50'ca. Commissioned: by the Servei Educatiu de l'Auditori de BarcelonaPUER NATUS EST for mixed choir "a cappella" SATB | 5'ca. Commissioned: by choral conductor Daniel MestreCATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 4) for piano | 22'ca.BASSOON CONCERTO for bassoon and orchestra | 15'ca.CONTRABASSOON CONCERTO for contrabassoon and orchestra | 15'ca.FRENCH HORN CONCERTO for french horn and orchestra | 15'ca.


CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 3) for piano | 18'ca.SOLILOQUI XIX for french horn | 9'ca.SOLILOQUI XXI for trombone | 9'ca.SOLILOQUI XXII for tuba | 9'ca.CONTRABASS CONCERTO for contrabass and orchestra | 15'ca.CLARINET CONCERTO for clarinet and orchestra | 15'ca.BASS CLARINET CONCERTO for bass clarinet and orchestra | 15'ca.ENGLISH HORN CONCERTO for english horn and orchestra | 15'ca.OBOE CONCERTO for oboe and orchestra | 15'ca.


PATIM, PATAM, PATUM... for percussion trio, traditional melodies from the "Patum de Berga" | 25'ca. Commissioned: by the Federació de les Festes de la Patum de Berga Dedicated: to Patri Martinez "in memoriam".TERESA'S ECSTASY incidental music for an off-Broadway show. | 60'ca. Commissioned: by playwright Begonya Plaza. Premiered: Cherry Lane Theatre, West Village, Manhattan, New York March 4, 2012CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 2) for piano | 20'ca.FLUTE CONCERTO for flute and orchestra | 15'ca.PICCOLO CONCERTO for piccolo and orchestra | 15'ca.


CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 1) for piano | 23'ca.SOLILOQUI XVII for contrabass | 12'ca.SOLILOQUI XXIII for viola | 12'ca.SOLILOQUI XXIV for violoncello | 12'ca.SOLILOQUI XXVIII for harpsichord | 7'ca.


ODA A MONTSERRAT for cobla and orchestra | 5'ca.Commissioned: by the Simfònica de cobla i corda de Catalunya.SOLILOQUI XXVII for snare drum | 10'ca.SOLILOQUI XX for timpani | 8'ca.SOLILOQUI XV for harp | 12'ca.PAGANINI VARIATIONS for two pianos (after Witold Lutosławski) | 6'ca.


VIOLA ETUDES for viola | 15'ca.VIOLIN ETUDES for violin | 15'ca.VIOLONCELLO ETUDES for violoncello | 15'ca.SOLILOQUI XXV for marimba | 9'ca.SOLILOQUI VII for clarinet | 12'ca.PIRATES I PRINCESES sardana for cobla | 4'30"caTHE ROSY CRUCIFIXION (trilogy Sexus, Plexus, Nexus) for percussion quartet | 30'ca.SEXUS for percussion quartet | 9'ca.VIOLA SONATA for viola and piano | 15'ca.VIOLIN SONATA for violin and piano | 15'ca.VIOLONCELLO SONATA for violoncello and piano | 15'ca.


TROMBONE ETUDES for trombone | 15'ca.TRUMPET ETUDES for trumpet | 15'ca.TUBA ETUDES for tuba | 15'ca.PIANO ETUDES for piano | 15'ca.PLEXUS for soprano saxophone and percussion quartet | 12'ca.VARIACIONS LLIURES for piano | 5'41''HOMILIA VI "La guarició de la filla de la cananea". for choir, baritone, cobla, 4 perc. | 30'ca.DIVÁN DEL TAMARIT song cycle for voice and marimba | 75'ca. Commissioned: by the Duo BorealisGYPSY AIRS for mixed choir "a cappella" SATB | 8'ca.LA VINYET sardana for cobla | 4'30"caTROMBONE SONATA for trombone and piano | 15'ca.TRUMPET SONATA for trumpet and piano | 15'ca.TUBA SONATA for tuba and piano | 15'ca.PIANO SONATA for piano and piano | 15'ca.


TIMPANI ETUDES for timpani | 15'ca.PERCUSSION ETUDES for percussion | 15'ca.ZODIAC for 6 voices and 3 clarinets | 13'ca. Commissioned: by the Choir of the Community of Madrid. HOMILIA V "Les temptacions de Jesús al desert" for choir, baritone, cobla, 4 perc. | 30'ca.CONCERTONE version for piano and cobla | 15'caTILINGS for string orchestra | 12'ca.TIMPANI SONATA for timpani and piano | 15'ca.PERCUSSION SONATA for percussion and piano | 15'ca.MARIMBA ETUDES for marimba | 15'ca.MARIMBA SONATA for marimba and piano | 15'ca.


RECORDANT CARDEDEU sardana for cobla | 4'30"caORGELBÜCHLEIN for organ (after J. S. Bach) | 80'ca.HARP ETUDES for harp | 15'ca.HARP SONATA for harp and piano | 15'ca.DAS WOHLTEMPERIERTE CLAVIER for keyboard (after J. S. Bach) | 240'ca.INVENTIONS and SINFONIAS for keyboard (after J. S. Bach) | 50'ca.NOTEBOOK for Anna for keyboard (after J. S. Bach) | 25'ca.DIE KUNST DER FUGE for unspecified instruments (after J. S. Bach) | 93'ca.


DANSA MACABRA for cobla and percussion | 12'caEL TRAPELLA D'EN PAU sardana for cobla | 4'30"caELS FOLLETS for children symphonic orchestra | 20'ca.HOMILIA IV "La conversió" for choir, baritone, ensemble, 4 perc. | 30'ca.HOMILIA III "La guarició del cec de Jericó" for choir, baritone, ensemble, 4 perc. | 30'ca.OVILLEJOS for choir and piano | 5'ca.LISÍSTRATA opera for young people, orchestra, mixed choir and soloists | 50'ca. Commissioned: by the Servei Educatiu del Liceu and the IMEB (Institut Municipal d'Educació de Barcelona)GUITAR ETUDES for guitar | 15'ca.GUITAR SONATA for guitar and piano | 15'ca.


BASSOON ETUDES for bassoon | 15'ca.CONTRABASSOON ETUDES for contrabassoon | 15'ca.FRENCH HORN ETUDES for french horn | 15'ca.FLOR D'ALBAT sardana | 4'30"caVERBUM for violin and piano | 8'ca.THE MAGIC CIRCLE for saxophone quartet | 12'ca.HOMILIA II "La paràbola del sembrador" for choir, baritone, organ, 4 perc. | 30'ca.BASSOON SONATA for bassoon and piano | 15'ca.CONTRABASSOON SONATA for contrabassoon and piano | 15'ca.FRENCH HORN SONATA for french horn and piano | 15'ca.


CLARINET ETUDES for clarinet | 15'ca.CONTRABASS ETUDES for contrabass | 15'ca.BASS CLARINET ETUDES for bass clarinet | 15'ca.ENGLISH HORN ETUDES for english horn | 15'ca.OBOE ETUDES for oboe | 15'ca.CONCERTONE for piano and string orchestra | 15'ca.SOLILOQUI VI for guitar | 8'ca.SOLILOQUI V for trumpet | 8'ca.THREE CHILDREN SONGS for oboe and piano | 8'ca.NEXUS for percussion quartet | 12'ca.METAMORPHOSIS I for flute, clarinet, percussion, violin, violoncello, piano | 10'ca.METAMORPHOSIS II for symphonic orchestra | 20'ca.HOMILIA I "La caritat". for choir, baritone, organ, 4 perc. | 30'ca.UN SEGON, CENT ANYS... for choir and cobla | 2'ca.CONTRABASS SONATA for contrabass and piano | 15'ca.CLARINET SONATA for clarinet and piano | 15'ca.BASS CLARINET SONATA for bass clarinet and piano | 15'ca.ENGLISH HORN SONATA for english horn and piano | 15'ca.OBOE SONATA for oboe and piano | 15'ca.


FLUTE ETUDES for flute | 15'ca.PICCOLO ETUDES for piccolo | 15'ca.DELIRI for coblaEL BALNEARI VICHY sardanaNOUS SONS sardana for cobla | 4' EN PATUFET for children’s string orchestra and narrator | 12'ca.SOLILOQUI IV for fiscorn | 5'ca.LLI for mixed choir "a cappella" | 3'ca.FLUTE SONATA for flute and piano | 15'ca.PICCOLO SONATA for piccolo and piano | 15'ca.CIRCLES for woodwind ensemble | 8'ca.CHAINS for brass ensemble and percussion | 8'ca.PHASES for eight marimbas | 10'ca.


PEL VOSTRE ANIVERSARI sardana for cobla | 6'JOGUINES version for cobla | 4'30''SINCRONIA for cobla | 12'30''ca.CHANCE "Atzar" for symphonic orchestra | 12'30''THE MAGIC SQUARE for double string orchestra | 20'OVERTURE FOR HOPE for brassSEQÜÈNCIES for cl. vln. vlc. pno | 5'41''EL FERROCARRIL for children saxophone ensembleTAMBORILADA for 5 tamborils | 9'10''SOLILOQUI III for flabiol & tamborí | 7'17''SOLILOQUI II for vibraphone | 9'12''SOLILOQUI I for piano | 14'ca.LA LLUNA EN UN COVE opera for children, orchestra, mixed choir and soloists | 60'ca.


TENEBRAE RESPONSORIES a collection of 18 sacred pieces for chorus "a cappella" (after Tomás Luis de Victoria) | 45'caSTRING QUARTET No.1 for string quartet | 20'ca.JOGUINES for pianoUNA GALLINA canon per a infantsA L'ESTIU canon for childrenO MAGNUM MYSTERIUM for men's choir "a cappella"ESCENES DEL CIRC for cobla | 5'36''L'HOSTAL DE LA GROSSA sardana for coblaRESSONS D'APLEC sardana for cobla | 3'59''POSTAL DE BESALÚ sardana for cobla | 4'49''MÚSICA TRADICIONAL DE CARDEDEUSUITE DE DANSES for tenora and orchestra | 12'ca.


THE SHEPHERD'S BOY pedagogical workEL BANDIT canon for childrenIN MODO DI HABANERA children's songEL CANON DE L'ABSURD canon for childrenLA CANÇÓ DEL CARCELLER children's songSO WE'LL GO NO MORE A ROVING for mixed choirTHE MÖBIUS BAND for mixed choir "a cappella"VENID A BELEN Christmas carol for choirPASTORCILLOS DEL MONTE Christmas carol for choirCANT D'ENYORANÇA sardana for cobla | 4'ca.LA VALL DE SANT DANIEL sardana for cobla


SUITE DE DANSES for carillon and tenoraTRÍPTIC x4 for quartet for clarinetsEL PETIT BESTIARI for flute, violin and piano for childrenVARIACIONS for flute, clarinet and piano for childrenEL GOSSET PERDUT children's songEXCÈLSIOR for mixed choir and brass ensembleNYERROS I CADELLS for two cobles and percussion | 13'ca.ESTRUGA MAIGARDA esoteric poem for cobla | 6'ca.EIXERIDA sardana for coblaINCERTA sardana for coblaAIDA sardana for cobla


JAM for jazz ensembleKOUBBA for marimba | 7'06"HOMENATGE for pianoANELLA D'ARGENT sardana for cobla


L'EROL DE CARDEDEU sardana for coblaAPLEC DAURAT sardana for coblaPATER NOSTER for mixed choir "a cappella"CONCERTINO for violin and orchestra


BELLSOLAR sardana for cobla | 2'29''SONATINE for wind quintetCOLLAGE for violinCANÇONS DE LA RODA DEL TEMPS for voice and orchestra


CARRER PEDRÓ sardana for cobla | 3'55''L'HOSTAL LA GLORIA sardana for coblaELEGIA for string orchestra | 14'


L'ESTEL DE L'ESPERANÇA for jazz ensembleLA PLUJA children's songTWENTY EASY DANCES FOR CHILDREN for piano | 50'ca.GYMNOPÉDIES for piano (after Erik Satie) | 10'ca.


EL TREN DE VILAGRASSETA canon for childrenQUAN EL SOL ES DESFÀ DINS LA NIT children's songGAT i GOS canon for childrenMARINADA children's songEL GAT BLAU children's songLA CIUTAT LLUNYANA for cobla | 15'ca.SOTA L'OREIG sardana for choir | 5'caCA'N PERET SABATER sardana for cobla


CÀSTOR & PÒL·LUX for percussion duet | 9'10''EL TEMPS cycle of 3 canons for childrenRETAULE PER A INFANTS cycle of 6 canons for childrenCANÇÓ children's songEL GRONXADOR children's song


HADES or "The temple of death" chamber ensembleMARXA DELS ANIMALS for piano six hands for kidsAVE MARIA mixed choir "a cappella"EL CARD I LA ROSA cycle of 5 songsVORA LA MAR sardana for coblaEL SILENCI DEL BOSC for cobla | 12'ca.


PEDRA ALBA songRENAIXENÇA sardana for cobla


CAP AL TARD sardana for cobla


ODA A L'AVI JOAN sardana for cobla