SACRED CHORAL WORKS (Opera Omnia) a complete collection of sacred pieces for chorus "a cappella" in 8 volumes (after Tomás Luis de Victoria) | 1260'ca (2000-2024)2023
FINIS TERRAE for orchestra | 17'ca. [3333-4331-timp+4perc-hp-pno-strings]DES\ORDRE for chamber orchestra | 17'ca. [2222-2200-1-0-strings]2012
PATIM, PATAM, PATUM... for percussion trio, traditional melodies from the "Patum de Berga" | 25'ca. Commissioned: by the Federació de les Festes de la Patum de Berga Dedicated: to Patri Martinez "in memoriam".TERESA'S ECSTASY incidental music for an off-Broadway show. | 60'ca. Commissioned: by playwright Begonya Plaza. Premiered: Cherry Lane Theatre, West Village, Manhattan, New York March 4, 2012CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 2) for piano | 20'ca.FLUTE CONCERTO for flute and orchestra | 15'ca.PICCOLO CONCERTO for piccolo and orchestra | 15'ca.2005
DANSA MACABRA for cobla and percussion | 12'caEL TRAPELLA D'EN PAU sardana for cobla | 4'30"caELS FOLLETS for children symphonic orchestra | 20'ca.HOMILIA IV "La conversió" for choir, baritone, ensemble, 4 perc. | 30'ca.HOMILIA III "La guarició del cec de Jericó" for choir, baritone, ensemble, 4 perc. | 30'ca.OVILLEJOS for choir and piano | 5'ca.LISÍSTRATA opera for young people, orchestra, mixed choir and soloists | 50'ca. Commissioned: by the Servei Educatiu del Liceu and the IMEB (Institut Municipal d'Educació de Barcelona)GUITAR ETUDES for guitar | 15'ca.GUITAR SONATA for guitar and piano | 15'ca.