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for flabiol & tamborí | 7'17'' (2001) download | purchase


Soliloqui III is a contemporary solo piece for flabiol and tamborí, instruments deeply rooted in the traditional music of Catalonia. The flabiol, a small fipple flute, holds a special place within the Catalan cobla ensemble, known for its bright and piercing tone that cuts through the ensemble's texture with clarity and precision.
In "Soliloqui III," the flabiol's distinctive timbre takes center stage, offering a unique lens through which to explore the themes of solitude and existence. Paired with the rhythmic accompaniment of the tamborí, a drum played with a stick, the flabiol weaves intricate melodies that reflect the complexities of human emotion.
From delicate whispers to vibrant flourishes, "Soliloqui III" showcases the flabiol's versatility and expressive capabilities in a contemporary context. Through innovative techniques and creative exploration of the instrument's range and register, this piece pushes the boundaries of traditional Catalan music while remaining firmly rooted in its heritage.
As listeners embark on this musical journey, they are invited to contemplate the wonders of existence and the beauty found within moments of solitude. Through its exploration of modern musical characteristics, "Soliloqui III" serves as a testament to the enduring relevance of the flabiol and tamborí in the ever-evolving landscape of music.
This piece is part of a larger collection of solo works where the composer's intent is to explore each instrument's expressive capabilities and technical possibilities at its limits. Through "Soliloqui III" and its companions, listeners are invited to embark on a journey of discovery, experiencing the unique voices of each instrument.
Albert CARBONELL - SOLILOQUI III (for flabiol and tambori).pdf