a collection of short pieces for organ based on the 88 constellations | 90'ca. (2023)work in progress...
1 - ANDROMEDA (the chained lady) 2 - ANTLIA (the Air Pump) 3 - APUS (the Bird of Paradise) 4 - AQUARIUS (the Water Pourer) 5 - AQUILA (the Eagle) 6 - ARA (the Altar) 7 - ARIES (the Ram) 8 - AURIGA (the Charioteer) 9 - BOOTES (the Herdsman, the Ploughman, or the Shepherd) 10 - CAELUM (the Graving Tool, the Sculptor's Chisel) 11 - CAMELOPARDALIS (the Giraffe) 12 - CANCER (the Crab) 13 - CANES VENATICI (the two Hunting Dogs, or Greyhounds) 14 - CANIS MAJOR (the Greater Dog) 15 - CANIS MINOR (the Lesser Dog) 16 - CAPRICORNUS (the Goat) 17 - CARINA (the Keel) 18 - CASSIOPEIA (the Ethiopian Queen, the Seated Woman) 19 - CENTAURUS (the Centaur) 20 - CEPHEUS (the Ethiopian King) 21 - CETUS (the Whale, or Sea Monster) 22 - CHAMAELEON (the chameleon, Well Hidden) 23 - CIRCINUS (a compass for drawing circles) 24 - COLUMBA (Noah's Dove) 25 - COMA BERENICES (Berenice's Hair) 26 - CORONA AUSTRALIS (the Southern Crown) 27 - CORONA BOREALIS (the Northern Crown) 28 - CORVUS (the Raven) 29 - CRATER (the Cup, or the Crater) 30 - CRUX (the Cross) 31 - CYGNUS (the Swan) 32 - DELPHINUS (the Dolphin) 33 - DORADO (Coryphaena hippurus) 34 - DRACO (the Dragon) 35 - EQUULEUS (the Foal, or the Colt) 36 - ERIDANUS (the River) 37 - FORNAX CHEMICA (the Chemical Furnace) 38 - GEMINI (the Twins) 39 - GRUS (the Crane) 40 - HERCULES (the Kneeling Man) 41 - HOROLOGIUM OSCILLATORIUM (the Pendulum Clock) 42 - HYDRA (the Water Snake) 43 - HYDRUS (the Male Water Snake) 44 - INDUS (the Indian) 45 - LACERTA (the Lizard) 46 - LEO (the Lion) 47 - LEO MINOR (the Lesser Lion) 48 - LEPUS (the Hare) 49 - LIBRA (the Scales, the Claws) 50 - LUPUS (the Wolf) 51 - LYNX (the Lynx) 52 - LYRA (the Lyre) 53 - MENSA (Mons Mensa, the Table Mountain) 54 - MICROSCOPIUM (the Microscope) 55 - MONOCEROS (the Unicorn, the "One Horned") 56 - MUSCA AUSTRALIS (the Southern Fly) 57 - NORMA ET REGULA (the Level and Square) 58 - OCTANS HADLEIANUS (Hadley's Octan) 59 - OPHIUCHUS (Serpentarius, the Serpent Holder) 60 - ORION (the Giant, the Hunter) 61 - PAVO (the Peacock) 62 - PEGASUS (the Flying Horse) 63 - PERSEUS (the Champion, the Rescuer) 64 - PHOENIX (the Phoenix) 65 - PICTOR (Equuleus Pictoris, the Painter's Easel) 66 - PISCES (the Fishes) 67 - PISCIS AUSTRINUS (Pisces Australis, the Southern Fish) 68 - PUPPIS (the Stern of the Ship Argo Navis) 69 - PYXIS NAUTICA (the Mariner's Compass) 70 - RETICULUM RHOMBOIDALIS (the Rhomboidal Net) 71 - SAGITTA (the Arrow) 72 - SAGITTARIUS (the Archer) 73 - SCORPIUS (the Scorpion) 74 - SCULPTOR (the Sculptor) 75 - SCUTUM SOBIESCIANUM (Sobieski's Shield) 76 - SERPENS (the Serpent) 77 - SEXTANS URANAE (the Sextant of Urania) 78 - TAURUS (the Bull) 79 - TELESCOPIUM (the Telescope) 80 - TRIANGULUM (the Northern Triangle) 81 - TRIANGULUM AUSTRALIS (the Southern Triangle) 82 - TUCANA (the Toucan) 83 - URSA MAJOR (the Greater Bear) 84 - URSA MINOR (the Lesser Bear) 85 - VELA (the Sails of the Ship Argo Navis) 86 - VIRGO (the Virgin) 87 - VOLANS (Piscis Volans, the Flying Fish) 88 - VULPECULA ET ANSER (the Fox and the Goose)