April 28, 2017

The collection of popular song in the field of the Catalan language

by Ramon Vilar i Herms

(Center for the Promotion of Catalan Popular and Traditional Culture)ORCID ID : 00-0002-2677-8975
SUMMARY: This article provides a critical approach to the main tasks of documentation and study of the traditional songs of Catalonia from the first fieldwork study until today.
KEYWORDS: orality, lyrical genres, traditional songs of Catalonia

Since 1841 - a year considered to be the beginning of the collection of Catalan folk songs through tradition or oral memory - 1 until 2015, the collection of the songbook in the field of the Catalan language has been constant and varied in initiatives . The study of this plot of popular culture asks, from the outset, to take into account a few factors:
- The linguistic geography: Catalunya, València, Illes Balears, the Franja de Ponent (of Aragonese administration), Catalunya Nord (of French administration) and El Alguer or Alghero on the island of Sardinia (of Italian administration ).
- Small and large projects: 2 for example, as large projects we can consider the popular Romancer of the Catalan land by Marian Aguiló (1893), l'Arxiu d'Etnografía and Folklore de Catalunya (1916-1940), l'Obra Cançoner of the Popular de Catalunya (1922-1939), the Sound Archive of Traditional Music Catalana (1987-2012) or els Tallers of Materials of Music Traditional Valenciana (1985-2001), etc. And as a sample of more individual or minor projects: the collections of Pelai Briz 3 , Bertrán i Bros 4 , Sara Llorens 5 , etc.
- The protagonists or "teachers" who create a school and guide the search for materials and their subsequent research, such as Pedrell, Aníritu, Serra i Pagès, Joan Tomàs, Josep Crivillé, Jaume Aiats, Vicent Torrent, etc.
1 - The publication of the romance Don Joan i Don Ramon within the article "Poets Majorcan" by Josep M. Quadrado in the magazine La Palma (Mallorca April 18, 1841), which had been collected directly from orality.2 - By "large projects" we mean those in which there has been the intervention of a work team and with exhaustive geographical claims.3 - Pelai Briz, Cansons de la terra , 5 vols.4 - Pau Bertrán i Bros, Cançons i follies populars recollides al peu de Montserrat …5 - Sara Llorens de Serra, Cançoner de Pineda ...
- Reference research and archive centers: Montserrat Monastery, GRFO, Carrutxa, URV, FMTC of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Torruella de Montgrí, CSIC…
- A certain differentiation between the collection of oral documents (song) and those related to instrumental music (dances and dances basically). It must be said, from the outset, that this study will basically cover the actions carried out on the theme of the song and orality. Anyway, in many collections of songs instrumental music also appears (an example is l'Obra del Cançoner Popular de Catalunya).
- It is necessary to make a temporal division: 1810-1939, 1940-1975 and 1976-2015.
- I opted for making one description chronological (in the manner of chronic) of the various actions of collection of the song popular in tradition oral, both if they are edited
" Most" as if they are not . The dates that are between brackets ([ ]) represent that are actions that cover different years or has been realized during one period over time.
The articles by Crivillé (1998), Ayats (2005), Ayats and Rebés (2005) and Vilar and Ferré (2009) have been very useful for the preparation of this report.
FIRST PERIOD (1810-1939)
I will limit myself to enumerating the actions of collecting songs from the oral tradition that have been carried out since the 19th century. A good number of these actions have been edited, others have not. At the end of the exposition of each stage I will try to make a critical assessment of each one of them.
[Early 21st century]
SOR , Ferran, Crits del carrer or Draps i ferro vell . Composition for four mixed voices about the screams in the street of the vendors and street trades of the city of Barcelona.
Antoni FEBRER I CARDONA elaborated various sets of materials from the enlightened interest, which have been studied by María Paredes:
Compilation of different poems from Menorca, mainly from the cobles that are sung at the festivals of some sants advocats. Glossats on the `main festivals of the year .
1841QUADRADO , Josep Maria: "Mallorcan Poets", inside La Palma , Mallorca, April 18, 1841. [In this article the author publishes the romance "Don Joan i Don Ramon"; it is considered the first publication of a Catalan oral song from a romantic perspective.]
1853MILÀ I FONTANALS , Manuel: Observations on popular poetry, with samples of unpublished Catalan romances , Barcelona, ​​Narciso Ramírez.
1856MARTÍ I CANTÓ , Joan: Month of Mary or The Songs of Montserrat . [Songs of oral tradition within a religious devotional.]
[c. 1862 - c. 1901. VERDAGUER, Jacint]GRUP DE RECERCA FOLKLÒRICA D'OSONA i REBÉS , Salvador (2002): "Cançons"Catalan traditional recollides by Jacint Verdaguer and accompanying amb registers of the GRFO , Barcelona, ​​Publications of l'Abadia de Montserrat. [Selection of manuscripts from the field notes.]
1866-1877BRIZ , Francesc Pelagi: Cansons de la terra. Cants populars catalans , 5 vols., Barcelona / Paris, Ferrando Roca / Àlvar Verdaguer / Maisonneuve.
1869-1891HABSBURG - LORENA , Ludwig Salvator: Die Balearen in Wort und Bild geschildert , 9 vols., Leipzig, Brockhaus.
1873-1874BERTRAN I BROS , Pau: «Corrandes populars», La Renaixença , Barcelona, ​​March 1, 1873 and following.
1882MILÀ I F ONTANALS , Manuel: Catalan romancerillo. Traditional songs , Barcelona, ​​Àlvar Verdaguer. [Barcelona facsimile edition, Alta fulla Reprints, 1999.]
1882"Aplec de cançons populars catalanes", collected by Cels Gomis, V. Plantada and Josep Cortils, in Anuari de l'Associació d'Excursions Catalanes , Barcelona. [1883?]Album of Mallorcan composers , Madrid, Zozaya, undated. [Most are compositions on melodies collected from the oral tradition.]
1885BERTRÁN I BROS , Pau: Cansons and Follies populars (unpublished) recollides al peu de Montserrat , Barcelona, ​​Àlvar Verdaguer.
1885-1888VIDAL , Pere: Cansoner català de Rosselló and de Cerdanya (5 vols.), Perpinyà, A. Julià.
1886CORTILS i VIETA, Josep: Ethologia de Blanes. Catalan Folklore, Popular Library of the Catalan Excursions Association, vol. III, Barcelona, ​​Àlvar Verdaguer.
1887BERTRAN i BROS, Pau: The poetry popular Bulgarian: News criticism amb Mostres in Catalan language per un Folklorista Rimayre, Barcelona, La Renaixensa.
Folkloric Miscellany (1887), Barcelona, ​​Associació d'Excursions Catalana. [Facsimile reissue of 1981 by Olañeta]:
- BOSH DE LA TRINXERIA (1987): «Costums that are lost». - SEGURA, Joan (1887): «Catalan canons aplegades to the Comarca d'Urgell». - ROCA CUSÍ, Joan (1887): «Rondalles de Tuixent». - BOFILL i POCH, Antoni (1888): «Núria, Ribas i Alt Llobregat».
1888TODA i GÜELL, Eduard (1855-1941): L'Alguer, Barcelona, ​​La Renaixensa.
[1891?]ALIÓ, Francesc: Cansons populars catalanas, Barcelona, ​​undated.
1891TORT i DANIEL, Jacint: «Some considerations on Catalan popular music», Butlletí of the Center Excursionista de Catalunya, pp. 6 i 139.
1892VILAREM, E.: Vinc Chansons Populaires du Roussillon. Récueillies, traduites et commentées par E. Vilarem, notes et harmonisées par H. Carcassone, Perpinyà, Imprimerie Musicale J. Payret.
1893AGUILÓ, Marià (1893): Popular romancer of the Catalan land. Cançons Feudals, cavalleresques, Barcelona, ​​Àlvar Verdaguer.
1893NOGUERA, Antoni (1893): Memory on the popular songs, dances and plays of the island of Mallorca, Barcelona, ​​Verdós i Feliu. [Reproduced in 1908 in Essays of music criticism .]
CAMPS i MERCADAL, Francesc (1987): Cançons populars menorquines, Maó, Institut Menorquí d'Estudis.
1895TORT i DANIEL, Jacint (1895): Folk-lore musical català. Cançons populars catalanes per a cant i piano, Barcelona.
[1897-1911]MORERA, Enric: Cançons catalanes .
[1900-1910]MASSOT i PLANES, Josep (1984): Musical Cançoner de Mallorca, curated by Josep Massot i Muntaner i Baltsasar Bibiloni, Palma de Mallorca, Sa Nostra.
1901GUASCH, Joan: Cançons Populars Catalanes (2 vols.), With a foreword by Sebastià Farnés, Barcelona, ​​Univers Musical.
1901GAY, Joan: Cançons populars de Catalunya .
1901-1913CAPMANY, Aureli: Cançoner popular (three series delivered by issue), Barcelona. [Facsimile reissue: Barcelona, ​​Ketres Editora SA, 1980]
[Compilation between 1903 and 1922]Cançoner del Ripollès, edited by M. Antònia Juan and Jordi Mascarella, Ripoll, Center d'estudis comarcals del Ripollès, 1998.
1904"Folk-lore" No. XXVI of the magazine Catalunya, in February of 1904. [Articles with songs i tunes collected by Joan Alzina, Joan Llongueras, Rafel Masó, Valeri Serra i Boldú i Aureli Capmany]
[1904-1936, 1st stage]Catalan musical magazine (RMC)
One of the aims of the RMC was to spread popular instrumental songs and melodies collected in field work and transcribed by the gatherers themselves. Lluís Millet, founder of the Orfeó Català, in its first article of presentation of the RMC already stated: "Introduce samples and even whole collections of songs." The Orfeó Català was was involved in the whole in this task, as we shall see in the sections of the Festes de la Música Catalana and especially in l'work of the Popular Cançoner de Catalunya. Therefore, the RMC did function, for a few years, to make known work collection of songs that were musicians linked to the project initiated by Lluís Millet and Amadeo Vives: L'Orfeo Català, on which intended to go further than the pure choral activity .
In this activity of collection he is dedicated especially Joaquim Pecanins, the which, through eleven numbers RMC, offers a bouquet of 34 popular songs. The collecting activity of Pecanins is more extensive than what is shown in the RMC . Among other aspects, he actively collaborated in the Festes de la Música Catalana, being awarded by different calls for collections of popular songs .
Other music collectors who collaborated in the RMC were:
- Antoni Insenser: Dances, dances and troupes from Penedès. - Gabriel Castellà i Raich, from Igualada (through 3 numbers): musical transcriptions of the troupes and popular dances of his city. - Lluís Romeu: the popular religious repertoire (4 numbers of the RMC ) - Eduard López Chavarri, from Valencia: Lo ball de nanos and, especially, Les cançons de batre from Valencia . - Francesc Pujol: La Dansa i el Ball del Ciri de Castellterçol . - Eudald Lliurat; The paired candle ("A Sant Pau n'hi ha una vella") popular song collected in Ripoll. - Lluís B. Nadal: Catalan popular dances : Ballet, Ball Cerdà and Esquerrana . - Mn. Martí Jampy, vicar of Prades de Conflent: Nadala antiga . - A divine vuy cantar ("The garden prayer"), lyrics and melody collected in Arbúcies and harmonized by Mn. Fabre of Perpinyà. - Joan Llongueras: Els cants de la Nativitat. Important contribution of popular Christmas songs.
[1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1911, 1915, 1917, 1920, and 1922]
Catalan music festivals
During these years, the Orfeó Català called, within the Catalan Music Festivals, some prize sections. The good reception that had the Floral Games of Barcelona, poetic -certámenes restored in 1859 inspired by the old Floral or Gaia Science instituted by King John i in 1393- served as the model for which the Orfeo Català organize their Festes of the Music Catalana but here the prizes were intended for musical works, collections of popular songs and compositions (vocal or instrumental) whose musical substance was traditionally rooted.
In this sense, the important volume of popular song collections that were made in the different editions of the Festes de la Música is very valuable. Different musicians from the group of territories of the Catalan language participated in this task. From the year 1922, it will be the Work of the Popular Cançoner of Catalonia (no longer directly the Orfeó Català) who will call these contests. These collections are available at the Center de Documentació de l'Orfeó Català and in the archive of the Work of the Popular Cançoner of Catalonia in the Montserrat monastery.
1905PECANINS, Joaquim: «Cançons Populars Catalanes», Catalan Musical Magazine, year II, No. 23.
1906PADRÓ, Blai: «Cançonística Popular Comarcana», Butlletí of the Excursionista Center of the Comarca del Bages (1906-1930)
1907SERRA i BOLDÚ, Valeri (1907): Cançons de Pandero. Cançons de Ronda . [Facsimile edition of 1982 with a prologue by Josep Crivillé, Barcelona, ​​José J. de Olañeta]
1908BOSH, Vicenç (1907): Balls antics del Pallars, Barcelona, ​​L'Avenç.
Cançons populars catalanes [four series, the last one was collected by Adolf Carrera], Barcelona, ​​L'Avenç Popular Library, 1909-1916.
1912MILLET i PAGÈS, Lluís: «El cant popular religiós». [Conference read at the 3rd National Congress of Sacred Music. Reproduced in Pel nostre ideal, Barcelona, ​​Orfeó Català, Joaquim Horta, 1917].
1913SERRA i VILARÓ, Joan (1913-1914): El Cançoner del Calic, Butlletí of the Center Excursionista de Catalunya. [Reissue facsimile of the Town Hall of the Vila of Bagà in 1989]
1914SERRA i BOLDÚ, Valeri: Calendari Folklòric d'Urgell. [Reissued by Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 1981].
1914VILAPLANA, Joaquim: «Notes folklòriques», Butlletí of the Center Excursionista de Vic.
[1915-1936]Arxiu d'etnografia i folklore de Catalunya ( AEFC )
Long-range project started by Dr. Tomàs Carreras Artau, Josep M. Batista i Roca and Telesforo de Aranzadi from the University of Barcelona. Its objective was ethnographic research in order to prepare a documentary corpus that would allow knowing and analyzing the collective psychology of the Catalan and, by extension, Iberian people. The search for popular songs and their subsequent research was important in the trajectory of this project ( AEFC ). In addition, he participated in so prominent, in the design of the work of the Popular Cançoner of Catalunya.
Regarding music, only one work, carried out by Robert Gerhard, was edited: Estudis i materials, Questionari no. 5. La Cançó popular Catalana (First in the series on this topic).
1916CAPMANY, Aureli: La popular cançoneta de la infantesa, Quadernos de estudio, Consell de Pedagogía de la Diputación de Barcelona and Mancomunitat de Catalunya.
1917GIBERT, Vicenç M.: Cançons populars catalanes.
1917MILLET, Lluís: From the Catalan popular cançó, Barcelona, ​​Bloud & Gay.
1918SERRA i PAGÈS, Rossend: The popular Catalan musical cançoner.
1918-1921CAMPS i MERCADAL, Francesc: Folklore menorquín (de la Pagesia), 2 vols., Maó, M. Sintes Rotger, Scientific, Literary and Artistic Athenaeum of Mahón.
1918-1922PEDRELL, Felip: Cancionero Musical Popular Español, 4 vols., Valls. [The first edition came out in the form of notebooks, but was interrupted: Madrid, Editorial J. Fernández Arias, 1914. The third edition was held in Barcelona, Editorial Boileau, 1958].
1918-1934AMADES, Joan, TOMÀS, Joan and Aureli CAPMANY: «Les cançons populars catalanes» in Excursions, Barcelona, ​​Ateneo Enciclopèdic Popular.
1920ANGLÉS i PÀMIES, Higini: Melodies populars de l'Advent, Nadal, Septuagèsima, Quaresma, Passió i Pentecostès, Barcelona, ​​Vida Cristiana, nº 54-59.
1922[BATISTA i ROCA, Josep M.]: Manual per a recerques d'etnografia de Catalunya, Barcelona, ​​Arxiu d'Etnografia i Folklore de Catalunya-Universitat de Barcelona. [The songs section was prepared by Robert Gerhard].
Fundación Concepció Rabell i Cibils, known as the Fundació Patxot, since it was the patron Rafael Patxot i Jubert who financed and promoted this great project. With all, the institutional framework where actions work of this important file was the Orfeo Català be managed. The director of this project, Francesc Pujol, was in turn musical deputy director of the choral entity .
At the end of 1921, Rafael Patxot commissioned Lluís Millet, director of the Orfeó Català, for this entity to carry out the systematic investigation of the popular songbook in the area of ​​Catalan-speaking lands. Starting in 1922, and with the endorsement of this project by the most important civil cultural institutions in Catalonia, the tasks of collecting, studying and publishing the entire Catalan popular songbook began. His claims were exhaustive and the results obtained were spectacular despite the Civil War of 1936 interrupting the project.
The collection section presented a quadruple perspective:
1) emptying of previously published works (songbooks); 2) the call for contests with great prizes for collecting folk songs by part of folklorists and fans; 3) the voluntary delivery - by means of a call - of written documents of vocal and instrumental music that individuals may have in their homes or in archives of choirs, parishes and instrumental ensembles; and 4) the most interesting, the coordinated and systematic organization of the so-called «missions de recerca» (search missions) that, carried out by specialists, would bring the state of the matter through field work that included, in addition to collecting methodical music and texts of the songs, photographs of the informants and their life context, and ethnographic data reflected in the memories that the work teams - normally made up of two people, one a musician and the other a linguist or folklorist - were obliged to write.
The first mission to search the led to out the eminent musicologist Mn. Higini Angles and the linguist Dr. Pere Bohigas in the Solsonès and Berguedà regions, and 65 more missions followed that contributed a set of 200,000 documents. In addition to the popular songs and the instrumental melodies of dances and dances, legends and popular sayings were also collected. Musicians such as: Mn. Higini Aníritu, Joan Tomàs, Joan Just, Joan Roma, Bartomeu Llongueras, Adelaida Farré, Palmira Jaquetti, Josep Barberà, Joan Sala, Lluís M. Millet, Esteve Albert, Joan and Xavier Gols, Baltasar Samper, Cosme Bauzà, Ramón Morey, Andreu Ferrer, Dolors Porta, Joaquim and Just Santsalvador, P. and M. Fouché, etc.
At the moment the collection "Materials" provided four volumes, three of those which related to the memories of field missions conducted between 1922 and 1924. These issues served to model for subsequent volumes edited of materials, one once recovered this file. Also appeared, with date of 1936, the Diccionari of the Dansa (Dictionary of Dance) by Francesc Pujol and Joan Amades, who was one of the 3 dictionaries provided, along with the popular Entremeses and Instruments and Sonadores popular.
A good part of the Obra del Cançoner Popular de Catalunya was exiled for about 40 years in Switzerland in the company of its patron. In 1991 he returned to Catalonia deposited in the monastery of Montserrat. This file is divided into 5 parts: A) they are materials from Marià Aguiló; B) and C) contain the materials (field missions) that went to Switzerland and those that remained in Barcelona (a small part); S) are the materials of the folklorist Rossend Serra i Pagès that gathered by his disciples and disciples, were delivered following his death at l'KCT; and R) the Popular Sayings collected by Marià Aguiló.
Later in this chronicle, in the 1991 reference, we talk about the importance of the return of this great archive and of the publications that have been made about this company from this moment on.
1922FERRER i GINART, Andreu: Cançonetes menorquines, Artà.
[1922-1928]FERRER i GINART, Andreu: articles within the Tresor dels Avis magazine, Artà.
1923SCRIPTORIUM. Folkloric Section. Transcriptions of popular songs performed by Manel Caballería, Salvador Vilarrasa, Damià Torrents and Josep M. Vilarmau, among others, Ripoll.
1923CAPMANY, Aureli, and BALDELLÓ, Francesc: «Cançons i jocs cantats de la Infantesa», Minerva, XLII, Barcelona, ​​Polyglot.
1923SANSALVADOR i CORTÉS, Just (1998): Cançons de Cocentaina compilades l'any 1923 per ..., Alacant, Center d'Estudis Contestans. [Edition of the collection that this researcher made for the Obra del Cançoner Popular de Catalunya.]
1925PALAU i BOIX, Manuel: Folk-loric elements of Valencian music, Valencia, Modern typography.
1926Work of the Cançoner Popular de Catalunya (1926-1929): Materials (3 vols.) Barcelona, ​​Elzeviriana. [From 1993 to 2011, the edition of the 21 volumes by Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat has been completed].
1926ANGLÉS, Higini: «Recull de cançons populars de la Comarca del Camp», within the IV Certamen del Center de Lectura de Reus, 1921, Reus, Center de Lectura, pp. 243-334. [Contains only texts, but of high interest].
1926POUEIGH, Jean: Chansons populaires des Pyrénées françaises, Paris-Aux, Champion- Cocharaux.
1928LLONGUERAS i GALÍ, Joan: Els cants de la Passió, Barcelona, ​​Editorial Emporium.
1928COGUL, Josep M .: «Cançons de pandero», in Arxiu de Tradicions Populars, vol. I, pp. 341-342, Barcelona.
1928-1935SERRA i BOLDÚ, Valeri: Arxiu de Tradicions Populars, 7 booklets [with various articles on songs and oral music], Barcelona.
[1929-1952]SAMPER, Baltasar (1994): A study on the popular song, Barcelona, ​​Publications of l'Abadia de Montserrat.
1931LLORENS, Sara: Folklore de la Maresma. I: El cançoner de Pineda, Barcelona, ​​Joaquim Horta [facsimile reissue in Alta Fulla, 1992].
1931LLONGUERAS i GALÍ, Joan: Cançoner popular de Nadal, Foment de Pietat, Barcelona, ​​Emporium Typography. [2nd extended edition: Barcelona, ​​Editorial Balmes, 1946; 3rd edition: Barcelona, ​​Editorial Balmes, 1955].
1932BALDELLÓ, Francesc: Cançoner popular religiós de Catalunya. Recull de cent melodies de goigs, Barcelona.
[1932]MASSOT i PLANES, Josep: Balearic Songbook, unpublished winner in 1932 of the National Music Competition. The location of the manuscript is unknown. He takes up and completes the Musical Cançoner de Mallorca, 1900-1910 and 1984.
[1932-1933]TOMÀS, Joan i Esteve ALBERT (2004): Les cançons de Mataró, edited by the priest of Jaume Arnella, Mataró, Patronat Municipal de Cultura i Els Garrofers ACP.
1934MOREIRA, Joan: From Tortosí folklore . Costums, ballets, pregàries, parèmies, jocs i cançons del camp i de la Ciutat de Tortosa, Tortosa, Impremta Querol.
1934MOLL, Francesc de B .: Canons populars. I. Amoroses, Palma de Mallorca.
1936PUJOL, Francesc i AMADES, Joan: Diccionari de la dansa, dels entremesos i dels instruments de musica i sonadors. First volume: Dansa, Barcelona, ​​Cançoner Popular de Catalunya-Fundació Concepció Rabell i Cibils, vda. Romaguera.
[The date of 1936 is false: the volume appeared with this date just after the Civil War in order to avoid the prohibition of publishing in Catalan].
[1936]PUNTÍ i COLLELL, Joan (1993): Ideari cançonístic Aguiló, Barcelona, ​​Publications of l'Abadia de Montserrat.
1936AMADES, Joan: Costums i tradicionals d'hostals i tavernes, Barcelona, ​​Tallers Gràfics Patrici Arnau.
1936AMADES, Joan: Cançons populars històriques i de costums, Tàrrega.
1936AMADES, Joan: Cançons populars humorístiques, Tàrrega.
1938MARTÍNEZ TORNER, Eduardo: Valencian Dances (dulzaina and tamboril), Barcelona, ​​Center for Historical Studies of the Valencian Country.
[1930-1947]VILARMAU, Josep M. (1997): Folklore of the Lluçanès, issue a charge of the Grup of Recerca Folklòrica d'Osona, Barcelona, DINSIC. [Publication of a part of the collections of this researcher].
[1938, date of the destroyed edition of the first volume]
BOHIGAS, Pere (1983 reissue): Cançoner popular català (2 vols.), Barcelona, ​​Publications of l'Abadia de Montserrat.
This period is located, in a good first part, within the parameters of Romanticism, a movement that in Catalonia has the name of Renaixença. The feeling of euphoria for the recovery of the popular soul, of the language itself and its symbolic universe, beats in the gathering desire of most initiatives of this period.
On the other hand, it coincides with the aesthetic and moral movement that has been called "First Musical Nationalism" (Felip Pedrell), and ends the period (1939) with the methodological predicaments of "Second Musical Nationalism" (Robert Gerhard), precisely with the research methodologies of the Obra del Cançoner Popular de Catalunya.
From this first period (beginning of the 19th century until 1939) it is necessary to highlight the long-range popular song collection movements, some with claims of completeness, carried out both individually and in teams. The most significant would be the following:
- Marià A Gilo (1825-1897), a title individually takes to perform one collection of popular songs from all the mastery of the language Catalan. His works are reflected in the publication of his: Romancer popular of the terra Catalan, and in the section A) (from "Aguiló") of the Work of the Popular Cançoner of Catalonia that his son delivered to the office of this archive. Part of his work, in addition, is distributed in different files. About his great collection it must be said that he only collected the lyrics of the songs, but not the music, which he later regretted in his life. And it must also be said that only a first volume of romances saw the light of the edition .
- The foundation of the Orfeó Català contributes to Catalan society a musical renewal in many ways. One will be the concern for the systematic collection of the popular song of oral tradition. This objective brought together a good number of musicians and collaborators, becoming an ideal to achieve even as a repertoire of the entity itself: the reinterpretation of popular songs through new choral harmonizations. This dynamic led to the Catalan Music Festivals and the Popular Cançoner de Catalunya Work .
- Other movements in collection of broad scope, although not arrived to complete them of the whole, were:
- The Arxiu d'Etnografia i Folklore de Catalunya (Ramon Carreras Artau, Josep M. Batiste i Roca, Telesforo de Aranzadi)
- « Scriptorium » in Ripoll: study group from the Ripollès region that follows the predicates of Rossend Serra i Pagès. His action materializes in an ethnographic museum and a songbook.
- The Arxiu de Tradicions Populars (7 issues) under the initiative of Valeri Serra i Boldú.
- Folklore del Lluçanès (Josep M. Vilarmau)

As significant figures of this period and who contributed their grain of sand in the collection of the popular songbook or helped to make it a reality were: Manuel MILÀ i FONTANALS, Marià AGUILÓ, Pelai BRIZ, Francesc ALIÓ, Enric MORERA, Aureli CAPMANY, Valeri SERRA i BOLDÚ, Felip PEDRELL, Lluís MILLET, Rossend SERRA i PAGÈS, Josep M. BATISTE i ROCA, Dr. Romàs CARRERAS ARTAU, Joan MOREIRA, Mn. Francesc DEP. BALDELLÓ, Rafael PATXOT (OCPC), Mn. Joan PUNTÍ i COLELL, Francesc PUJOL, Mn. Higini ANGLÉS, Joan LLONGUERAS, Sara LLORENS, Joan AMADES, Joan TOMÀS, Baltasar SAMPER, Josep M. VILARMAU, etc.

SECOND PERIOD : 1940-1975
1940JAQUETTI, Palmira: «Missed volunteer to Setcases, Manyanet i Angreg» (unpublished). Archive of the Work of the Popular Cançoner of Catalonia. C-220.
The Spanish Institute of Musicology (IEM of the CSIC) carried out missions to collect popular songs in the Valencian area through the following musicologists:
- Manuel Palau (1944-1945) - Marius Schneider (1945) - Ricardo Olmos (1947, 1948, 1950)
1945JAQUETTI, Palmira: collection of popular songs in the asylums of Barcelona. CSIC.
1945CAPMANY, Aureli: Ball and dances to Catalonia.
[1947-1951]The Spanish Institute of Musicology (IEM of the CSIC) carried out missions to collect popular songs in Eivissa through :
- Arcadio de Larrea (1947) - Manuel García Matos (1951) - Álvaro Galmés de Fuentes (1947)
1948CAPMANY, Aureli: La sardana a Catalunya .
1948SUBIRÀ, Josep: Cançons populars catalanes, Barcelona, ​​Editorial Millà.
1948GIBERT, Josep: Aplec de non-nons i cançons de bressol, Barcelona, ​​Tipografia Bosch.
1948GIBERT, Josep: Cançons de bandolers i lladres de camí ral, Barcelona.
1948ROMEU i FIGUERAS, Josep: The myth of «El comte Arnau», in popular song, literary tradition and literature, Barcelona.
1948MAIDEU i AUGET, Josep: Songs from the Ripoll region . [Previous to unpublished materials competitions (1946-1951), organized by the IEM of the CSIC].
1949ROMEU i FIGUERAS, Josep: Cançons nadalenques del segle XV, Barcelona.
[1950-1951]Alfonso el Magnánimo Institution: Valencian Folk Music Notebooksdirected by Manuel Palau i Boix. The following intervened:
- Ricardo Olmos (1950): «Songs and dances of Onteniente and Bélgida». - Antonio Chovar (1951): «Songs, dances and cries of Tabernes de Valldigna».
[1950-1956]AMADES, Joan (1950): Costumari Català, El curs de l'any, 5 volumes, Barcelona, ​​Salvat Editores [Contains musical transcriptions by Joan Tomàs i Parés.]
1951AMADES, Joan: Folklore de Catalunya, Cançoner, Barcelona, ​​Editorial Selecta.
1951Joan TOMÀS i PARÉS: does field work and song collection in the town of Tivissa, Ribera d'Ebre, Tarragona.
1952ROMEU i FIGUERAS, Josep: Les nadales tradicionals. Segles XIV to XIX. Estudi i crestomatia, Barcelona, ​​Editorial Barcino.
1954MACABICH, Mn. Isidor: Traditional eivissenc romancer, Palma de Mallorca, Editorial Moll.
[1954-1956]P. NOLASC DEL MOLAR, Capuchin (1954): collects ballads by Joaquim Bruns i Carbonés at the sanctuary of Mare de Déu de la Font de la Salut de Sant Feliu de Pallerols, and publishes only the lyrics in Per les cançons d 'a terralloner .
1957P. NOLASC DEL MOLAR, Capuchin: "Christmas songs from the sanctuary of Our Lady of Arcs", Musical Yearbook .
[1958-1962]SARRI, Jaume, «Songbook of the Rose of Bulner», in Ilerda . [The song collection is from 1930, as recorded in the OCPC file].
1959VIOLANT i SIMORRA, Ramon: Ethnography of Reus i la seva comarca (IV and V, 1959).
[1959-1961]MASSOT i MUNTANER, Josep (1959-1960): "He contributed to the study of the Balearic Romancer", You study romànics (VII, 1964).
1960SANCHIS GUARNER, Manuel (1960 and 1973): Cançoneret valencià de Nadal .
1961TOMÀS i PARÉS, Joan: «L'hereu Riera, arxiu vivent de cançons populars», in Miscellaneous in tribute to Monsignor Higinio Aníritu, vol. II, Barcelona, ​​CSIC.
[1961-1962]MASSOT i MUNTANER, Josep (1961): «The traditional Spanish ballads in Mallorca», and
"On traditional Catalan poetry" (1962), the two works in the Journal of Dialectology and Popular Traditions of the CSIC.
[1966-1974]GINARD i BAUÇA, Rafel, Cançoner popular de Mallorca (4 vols.), Palma de Mallorca, Editorial Moll.
[1966-2001]MÚLLER, Kristine (1968) and Jaume ARNELLA (2001): Les cançons de Beget, book and CD.
1969JULIÀ i PROHENS, Miquel: Mallorca. Cançons tradicionals amb accords de guitar, Palma de Mallorca.
1971COMAS, Antoni: Cançoner català. Traditional popular poetry .
1971CLIMENT, Josep: Valencian Christmas carols .
[1974-1990]SEGUÍ, Salvador (1974): Musical songbook of the Province of Alicante ; (1978): Alicante Songbook (in reduced didactic edition); 1980: Musical songbook of the Province of Valencia ; (1990): Musical songbook of the Province of Castellón . [Since 1978 he has directed the second period of the Valencian Music Quaderns (cf. Manuel Palau 1950-1951). Alfonso the Magnanimous Institution. There was a third time in 1998.]
[1975-2013]BLASCO, Artur: Canten els vells del Pirineu (LP 1982); Rosa vermella, rosa galant (LP 1989); and the volumes: A peu pels camins del cançoner (1999-2013), Associació Arsèguel i els Acordeonistes del Pirineu.
[1975-2003]CONSERVATORIO Superior Municipal of Musica of BARCELONA
During 28 years old the Prof. Josep Crivillé i Bargalló gave, in this middle school senior, the subject of ethnomusicology or musical Folklore, which was constituted as a specialty three years ... There were numerous fieldwork students They carried out with the consequent collection of popular song materials from oral tradition. Two articles by the professor himself describe the work done:
CRIVILLÉ i BARGALLÓ, Josep (1993): «L'ensenyament de l'etnomusicologia al Conservatori Superior Municipal de Música de Barcelona», Revista d'Etnologia de Catalunya, No. 3 (July 1993), pp. 157-159.
Criville i Bargallo, Josep (2003): "The works of field carried to through courses ethnomusicology at the Conservatorio Superior Municipal de Música de Barcelona. From the academic year 1975-76 to 2002-2003 », paper read at the Conference on Traditional Culture in the Society of the XXI century, CIOFF / Polytechnic University of Valencia.
On the other hand, J. Crivillé founded with a small group of students the Associació de Recerca Etnomusicològica, which has carried out different collection and research projects on popular and traditional song.
[1976-1977]Seminari of Cançó Traditional of the SAC (or the Sac of Cançons): ARNELLA, Jaume (1975): Cançoner Beget. [Photocopied worksheets that were widely distributed at the time.]

The period from 1940 to 1975 - of course much shorter than the previous one - is characterized by being that of the Franco Franco dictatorship. Despite the initial prohibition of exercising public official and -use catalanidad of the Catalan language and not encouraging signs of identity- themselves, not thereby recovering the songbook popular in all the field of the language Catalan will stop. Is given the paradox that the experience Catalan and the predicaments theoretical for the collection of the work of the Popular Cançoner de Catalunya (1922-1936) used to that from the Spanish Institute of Musicology of the CSIC created at the end of the Civil War by Mn . Higini Angles in Barcelona, ​​a large collection of traditional music materials is carried out throughout the territories of the Iberian Peninsula. Thus, it is noteworthy that already are the powers public or centers institutional of field scientist who take in this period the initiative of gathering the popular songbook, but no shortage of fruit private initiatives of concern to recover the identity battered to through of new repertoires (for example: the Nova Cançó) and to give to know the popular songs (for example: Escola Catalana, leisure associations, animation festivals, etc.).
It is difficult to point out great masters of this period who no longer existed in the previous period. These, in effect, will influence the training of new researchers. It is, in this way, a period of fallow or fermentation of new projects, both individual and collective, that will have their full expansion in the third period.
It should be noted in this space of time the figure of Joan A MADES i G ELATS, the which, with the publication of his works, some very exhaustive as the Costumari Català, El curs de l'any (5 volumes), exert popular work of popular folklore. His works were born in the previous period, and in this second they saw the light with his publication.

THIRD PERIOD : 1975-2015
1979JANER MANILA, Gabriel: Sex and culture: El Cançoner, Palma de Mallorca, Editorial Moll.
1980GRUP DE RECERCA FOLKLÒRICA D'OSONA (GRFO): Jaume Ayats, Ignasi Roviró and Xavier Roviró.
- Miquel TUNEU, Pep CUMERES, Víctor SUNYOL, Jaume AYATS, Anna PARERA and Ramón RIERA (1980): El rec del tint-1, Recull de cançons populars, Vic. - The folklore of Rupit-Pruit. I. Cançoner (1983). - Cançons and traditional tonades from the region of Osona. CD (1994) - Cançons tradicionals recollides per Jacint Verdaguer i accompannyades amb enregistraments del GRFO (2002), book and CD, with the collaboration of Salvador Rebés.- Cançons populars de la Història de Catalunya (2004), with the collaboration of Valentí Girbau.- Folklore del Lluçanès.
[1980]Associació CARRUTXA de ReusGroup born on the initiative of Salvador Palomar, dedicated to the study and promotion of popular culture .
Concerning the songbook he has published:
- The traditional cançoner of the Baix Camp i el Montsant (1988) by Gabriel Ferré, Salvador Rebés and Isabel Ruiz. - Rasquera, cançons of the oral tradition (1990), by Salvador Rebés and Salvador Palomar. - "Cançons tradicionals de Cabdella: anelles escampades", by Salvador Rebés, in
Fulls de treball de Carrutxa (1991).
- "The legend of Héro et Léandre dans la tradition orale catalane", by Michelle Débax and Bárbara Fernández, in Fulls de treball de Carrutxa (1991). - «L'Escriveta. i studied a Mediterranean ballad in the seu context narratiu », by Víctor Millet, in Fulls de treball de Carrutxa (1993?). - "Oral life and poetic recreation of the song of Las tres palomas / Les tres palometes ", by José Manuel Pedrosa, in Fulls de treball de Carrutxa (1994). - Actes del Col·loqui on traditional song, Reus, September 1990, by Salvador Rebés, Barcelona, ​​Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, (1994). - Lo Molinar. Catalan popular literature of the Matarranya i Mequinensa, by Lluís Borau and Carlos Sancho (1996). - Caramella . Popular music and culture magazine, directed by the Valencian Josep Vicent Frechina (TRAMÚS, by Massalfassar), with Roser Reixach i Aleix Cardona (SOLC, from Prats de Lluçanès), Salvador Palomar and Montserrat Solà (CARRUTXA, from Reus).
ARXIU DE LITERATURA ORAL / ARXIU DE FOLKLORE . Rovira i Virgili University of Tarragona.
Created by Josep M. Pujol and Carme Oriol i Carazo
It consists of records of oral literature and popular song since 1982 obtained by the students of the Ethnopoetics and Catalan Folklore course. Publications:
- ORIOL i CARAZO, Carme (1995): The cançoner nadalenc català al Principat de Catalunya (1853-1951). - ORIOL i CARAZO, Carme (2002): Introducció a l'etnopoètica, Valls, Cossetània Edicions. [It deals with the theory and forms of oral folklore in Catalan culture.] - ORIOL, Carme, i Josep M. P UJOL (2003): Typological index of the Catalan rondalla, Barcelona, ​​Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya. - ORIOL i CARAZO, Carme (2005): Oral heritage to the comarques of Tarragona. Traditional relats, Diputació de Tarragona.

Grup de Recerca Popular de Ponent
MASSOT i MATTRESSES, Xavier: "Romancer de Ponent" in the university magazine L'Estrof
[1981-2007]CRIVILLÉ i BARGALLÓ, Josep: Catalan traditional music (collection).
- Infants (1981) - Nadal (1981)- Danses (1983) - Cançons narratives (2007), Barcelona, ​​Editorial Clivis. - "Ethnomusicologie d'un Catalan village: Tivissa", Musical Yearbook (1978-1980). - "An ethnomusicological survey of the Pitiussas: Ibiza and Formentera", Magazine of Musicology (1982).
1982CLIMENT, Josep: Cançoner valencià, València, Piles, music publisher.
1983GALMÉS i CAMPS, Llorenç: Cançons i balls de Menorca . [With this work he updates two unpublished works from the previous era: Harmonized Menorcan musical folklore collection for voice and piano (1947) and Col·lecció Cíclica de cançons de Menorca (1965).]
1985CABALLÉ, Immaculada and Pere M. i BERN : The Carnestoltes arenyenc to the 19th century . [In addition to the historical documentation on the Arenys de Mar Carnival, they provide documentation related to the popular songbook .]
1985ESTARELLES i PASCUAL, Andreu: L'Essència de Mallorca. Recull of costums and tonades. Any 1949. [This is a general compilation (customs, remedies, prayers, etc.) that had received an extraordinary prize from the CSIC in 1949.]
TORRENT, Vicent and Josemi SÁNCHEZ have coordinated the collection and recording of Valencian oral music with more than thirty published volumes, which constitutes the main reference collection in the entire Catalan linguistic area. The methodology of collecting the popular song materials was exemplary through the Conselleria d'Ensenyament of the Valencian Generalitat involving the school world of the whole Community.
The following have collaborated in the edition: Ramón Pelinski, Carles Pitarch, Jordi Reig, Josep Antón Collado, Fermín Pardo and Jaume Ayats.
FONOTECA of Música Traditional CATALANA
On the initiative of Josep Crivillé i Bargalló, born this project framed inside of the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and more specifically within the Center for the Promotion of Popular and Traditional Catalan Culture. Its objective is threefold: collection, conservation-cataloging, study and dissemination of song materials and instrumental music of oral tradition that can still be collected in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Ethnomusicological approaches are the basis of its programs of research and the team coach of this project has been formed by Jose Crivillé, Ramón Vilar and sound technician Jose M. Adell. Until 2012 - the date of J. Crivillé's death, which is considered an end of stage, although the project continues -, some 22,000 phonograms obtained in field work carried out by different teams of researchers had been inventoried. The field of research is the entire territory of Catalonia with its counties, municipalities and private individuals .
In order to disseminate the materials obtained, a record publishing program has been devised consisting of 5 series: 1st: «Documents testimonials-Direct research» (Testimonial documents-Direct search); 2nd: «You fear monogràfics»; 3rd:
"Traditional festivals"; 4th: «Documents recuperats»; and 5th: «Mostres (samples) of traditional music». The titles that appear in each series are:
1st series: Volume 1: Music it tradició oral Catalonia (with documents 18 Catalan regions); Volume 2: Cançons i tonades tradicionals de la Comarca d'Osona (sample of the work carried out by the Grup de Recerca Folklòrica d'Osona); volume 3: Tivissa, songs and songs of the oral tradition (the materials that Josep Crivillé collected in this population in the early 70s of the 20th century ); volume 4: The Bages. Cançons, tonades i balls populars (a double audio CD and a DVD of images of the dances of this region); and volume 5 (in preparation): The Priorat, songs and songs of the oral tradition (a triple CD with materials collected in the 80s of the 20th century).
2nd series: Volume 1: Cançons d'infantesa (child repertoire preserved in the memory of the elderly and informants in contrast to the current child repertoire); volume 2: The ball of bastons (a sample of the different groups or «colles» of the dance of canes in all of Catalonia; volume 3: The flabiolaire Josep Verdaguer i Portet
«Roviretes» (repertoire of a significant popular instrumentalist of a certain time and space).
3rd series: Volume 1: Valls: sons i músiques festa (collection of the vocal and instrumental repertoire in celebrations of this population Volume 2: Les festes Santa key Tarragona, and Volume 3: The major festa l 'Arboç .
4th series: Volume 1: Les Llibertats d'orgue of the Cicle de Nadal ( "Freedom of the organ during the Christmas cycle"). It is a popular repertoire that at certain times of the year, such as the Christmas cycle, slipped into the liturgy with great delight of the faithful); volume 2: Music per a gralla d'autors vuitcentistes .
5th series: Volume 1: Grallers Vilafranca, Colla Mar.

1988RIERA ESTARELLES, Antoni: Cent i tantes traditional tunes from Mallorca .
[1990-1995]DIEZ i QUIJANO, Desideri (1995): Popular culture in Puigverd de Lleida . [Before he had published: La cultura popular a Horta (1990), where he edited popular songs collected by Josep M. Castells.]
1991MASCARELLA, Jordi: Batet's cançoner .
[1991-2008]Recovery file OBRA THE CANÇONER PEOPLE OF CATALUNYA (200,000 documents) for the entire field of Catalan, from language of Switzerland, the heirs of the patron Rafael Patxot i Jubert, to be deposited in the monastery Santa María de Montserrat. Father Josep Massot i Muntaner is the person in charge and maintainer of the archive, as well as editor and coordinator of the 21 volumes of materials they contain: the field diary made by the gatherers, a selection of the collected materials (songs and melodies with their sheet music) and a sample of the photographs taken during the collection missions. Until 2011 the 21 volumes of Materials were published, by Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat. Although it is true that the first three volumes were published between 1928 and 1936, it is no less true that they have been republished lately (2014-2015).
1993BUSQUÉ i BARCELÓ, Montserrat: Rocafort de Vallbona. Cançons, jocs i costums .
1994ALBERT, Lluís: Cançoner de l'Empordà [Prepared from oral information from sisters Amèlia and Caterina Albert ("Víctor Català").]
1994JUAN i NEBOT, M.ª Antònia: «El cançoner de La Fatarella», in Actes de les primers Jornades d'Estudi sobre la Terra Alta (November 1993) .CABALLÉ, Francesc: Si tu te'n fas la lluna. Recull de cançons populars de Bagà [Collects new materials from the place where the famous informant «Calic» lived (cf. Mn. Serra i Vilaró, 1913).]
[1995-2015]SOLC, folkloric association, based in Prats de Lluçanès, closely linked to popular dance but also to the collection of popular songs through the meetings of singing informants in Sobremunt. They have published different works on the songbook:
- MANENT i FOLCH, Ramon (1995): Trobades de cantadors a Sobremunt, CD. - REIXACH, Roser (2004): Qui canta els seus mals espanta, double CD. - Caramella, music and popular culture magazine. SOLC is one of the three associations that promote the magazine.
1996ARMANGUÉ, Joan: «Traditional music in l'Alguer», Catalan Musical Magazine, nº 145 (November), pp. 26-27.
[1997-2000]LA FEMOSA (Artesa de Lleida)
COSTAFREDA i CASTILLO, Adolf and Ramona VIOLANT (1997): Artesa de Lleida: Jocs i entreteniments populars, Lleida, Col·lecció La Femosa, Pagès Editors.
COSTAFREDA i CASTILLO, Adolf (2000): Artesa de Lleida: the cicle de l'any: feines, festes i costums, Lleida, Col·lecció La Femosa, Pagès Editors.
Cançons de Cocentaina. I. Recopilades l'any 1923 by Just Sansalvador i Cortés.
1998JULIÀ i PROHENS, Miquel: Traditional cançoner from Mallorca . [It is an expanded review of the compilation he made in 1969.]
1999GARRIGOSA, Joaquim and Francesc MASSIP : «El Cant de la Sibil·la, un patrimoni històric facing viu», Revista Musical Catalana, nº 182 (December 1999), pp. 37-42.
MÒJER i NOGUERA, Joan and Sebastià CARDELL (2000): Cançons populars mallorquines . [Contains one appendix which reproduces the songs premises that were edited Mn. Antoni Riera.]
2003To LZINA, Catalina and others: The traditional song to Capdepera .
Association created within the Marboleny cultural center of Les Preses, La Garrotxa (1991):
- Cançons i tonades de La Garrotxa [Collection of materials from popular songs of oral tradition made by Josep M. García Miràngels from 1992 to 2000. Unpublished materials. Traditional Catalan Music Music Library. Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya.] - GARCIA MIRÀNGELS, Josep M. (1997): Fonso de Lliurona, l'acordeonista del Pirineu. - GARCIA MIRÀNGELS, Josep M. (2004): Les cançons d'en Surracans . - GARCIA MIRÀNGELS, Josep M. (2006): D'aquí estant veig una estrella. Cançons and traditional tonades from Riudaura.
2004MONFERRER i MONFORT, Àlvar: El romancer valencià. Anthology . [Selection of narrative materials.]
2004ELS GARROFERS ACP of Mataró: Rafel Mitjans and Teresa Soler.
Association dedicated to the study and recovery of instrumental training: the popular flabiol and bass drum . However, it has also had its contribution in the recovery of the songbook, specifically the publication:
Les cançons de Mataró. Cançons recollides Mataró for Joan Tomàs and Esteve Albert in the Missió de Recerca from 1932-33 for a l'Obra del Cançoner Popular de Catalunya, by Jaume Arnella with the supervision of Jaume Ayats and Salvador Rebés (2004).
2005AYATS, Jaume, Maria Antonia SUREDA and Francesc VICENS : Tonades de feina a Mallorca, DVD, Palma de Mallorca, Consell de Mallorca.
[2012-2016]MASSIP, AlbertCançons i musiques dels avis to the counties of Girona . Search program, filming and recording popular songs of oral tradition that is electronically presented to through of the web of the same title. Under the name of «Cantut. Cançons i musiques dels avis »is a project with more than a thousand love songs, picaresque, children's, religious, historical, lullabies, politics ... all of them in audio or video support.
2013AYATS, Jaume: "Les Cançons i la construcció de la memoria", AUSA, no. XXVI, pp. 97-111.
2015GOMIS, Cels, Aplec de cançons populars catalanes, cura by Salvador Palomar, pròleg d'Emili Samper, Reus, Garrutxa.
2015Joan Moreira. Quan pare no té pa ... Recull de cançons i tocades populars de Tortosa, 1908, curated by Joan F. Vidal Arasa and Albert Aragonés Salvat, Tarragona, Universitat Rovira i Virgili.

With democracy and the advent of autonomous government, a new era opens up, one that is very rich in initiatives. The desire to recover the musical and literary evidence of the tradition oral that still was able to collect influences in the creation of new research groups throughout the area of the Catalan language. These groups include:
- The nucleus of the Museu de l'Acordió de Arsèguel (Alt Urgell) starring Artur BLASCO with the recovery of the diatonic accordion and, especially, the recovery, town by town, of the popular song from many regions of the Pyrenees. Action that takes shape through his work: A peu pels camins del cançoner , published in books (musical transcripts of the documents) and on DVD (with the testimony of the informants singing in their own context).
- The Folkloric Research Group of Osona. - Associació CARRUTXA de Cultura Popular, Reus (Baix Camp). - The Folklore Research Group of La Garrotxa. - Els Garrofers, from Mataró (Maresme). - L'Associació de Recerca Etnomusicològica (started by Prof. J. Crivillé). - The Music Library of Traditional Valencian Music (Generalitat de Valencia). - The Traditional Catalan Music Music Library of the Generalitat de Catalunya. - The Folklore Archive of the Rovira i Virgili University of Tarragona - The recovery of the Work of the Cançoner Popular de Catalunya. Monastery of Montserrat. - The magazine Caramella , Journal of Ethnology of Catalonia , Revista Musical Catalana (1st and 2nd stages) ... - etc...

Finally, it is worth asking about the future of this recovery and investigation of musical and literary folklore. What we pose challenges facing the study of this parcel of the culture? Of course that the transmission or tradition continues. The Folk-lore ( "the knowledge of the people") is a living element. The popular soul is getting excited at the beauty of one text with its melody and its rhythm. The memory retains these emotions the transmission may not be exclusively through orality but through countless communication technologies. It is always possible, however, that a child or young person can get to through in some family documents of wisdom popular of such narrative or musical, which in turn stored in memory and then transmitted. Thus, an attitude towards the future in this field is to accept any transmission that comes to us by oral tradition .
The variability factor is another that must always be taken into account. Variations in the same song may come from the original source itself due to insufficient learning of the song, but especially from the state of mind of the informant and the context in which he lives. These variations provide information of an ethnological type, of ways of life and ways of understanding music.
Another field of action is research and musical study (as ethnological and literary) of many materials collected from does more than 125 years. In this regard it has become even little work. As Prof. Crivillé said in the First Congress of the Spanish Society of Musicology at Zaragoza 1979: the Iberian Peninsula and specifically the countries of speaking Catalan, they have been characterized by the gathering exhaustive materials music and popular literature. We are rich in songbooks, but instead, poor in theoretical works on musicological investigation of these materials. Studies that take into account: the musical substance -melódica and rhythmically, the factors of mode-tonality, the analysis literary of the songs of tradition oral with its dialectal variants, ethnological and ethnographic context, etc. That is, the elements that involve an authentic ethnomusicological study .
AA. VV. (2005): The popular Catalan cançoner (1841-1936) , exhibition catalog, Barcelona, ​​Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya.AYATS, Jaume (2005), «Chronology. Reculls i Estudis de cançons i musiques orals dels Països Catalans publicats o recolectats abans de 1939 », in AA. VV. (2005), pp. 16-19.AYATS, Jaume and REBÉS , Salvador (2005): «The popular cançoner between the postwar period and the 21st century», in AA. VV. (2005), pp. 86-95.CRIVILLÉ , Josep (1998), "L'Etnomusicologia a Catalunya", Revista de Catalunya , No. 21, Nova stage, Juliol-Agost.VILAR, Ramón and FERRÉ , Gabriel (2009): «Ethnomusicological contributions from the Catalan Musical Magazine», in Musical Perspective of Catalonia from the Catalan Musical Magazine (1904-2008) , by Romà Escalas i Llimona, Miscel·lània, 13, Barcelona, ​​Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 2009, pp. 117-153.